Legal Services Developer Program:

The Montana Aging Services Bureau conducts legal document clinics in various communities throughout the state including rural and frontier locations. We also offer Indian Wills Clinics and we extend our services through phone clinics, should a senior not be able to attend an on-site clinic.

Legal Document Clinics:

We coordinate with attorneys to help seniors and tribal members prepare legal documents like Durable Power of Attorney: Health Care and Financial, Simple Wills, Indian Wills, Beneficiary Deeds, Declarations of Homestead, and Declarations of Living Will.

In addition to estate planning, our clinics include professionals from Veteran’s Benefits, Victim’s Services, Adult Protective Services, and other senior-services organizations. We provide you with an opportunity to get your affairs in order, ask questions, and safeguard your assets from fraud and exploitation.

Clinic Details:

Clinics are offered annually, May through October, in urban, rural and frontier communities across the state. Clinics are advertised through the local senior centers and Areas on Aging, as well as with senior living facilities, senior organizations, and various other local groups.

The clinic runs from 9am until 4pm, with appointments lasting 1-2 hours a piece. A training is held the day before, from 2pm to 5pm, for professionals in the community. 

Seniors sign up for the clinic in advance by calling Katy Lovell. We usually serve anywhere from 30-60 seniors at one clinic. We also offer estate planning for location staff as a thank you for hosting the clinic.

Locations must have room for up to 10 tables/stations, with about a 4ft radius around each. We require access to multiple outlets, but have no WiFi or technology requirements. For any questions or concerns, contact Katy Lovell at 406-444-7787 or Richard Heitstuman at 406-465-6950.