DES, Road Dept    #content{background-image:url('images/tiles/tile5.jpg');} .style1 { font-size: large; text-decoration: underline; color: #000099; } .style3 { text-align: left; } .style4 { color: #FF0000; } .style5 { color: #000099; } .style6 { color: #008080; } .style7 { color: #800000; } .style8 { font-family: Verdana; }     Quick Links    Home Page   Commissioners   TV   Library   Meals    Transit   Health Dept.   Agenda's   Commissioner's Minutes Latest   Commissioner's Minutes Archive       VALLEY COUNTY DISASTER & EMERGENCY SERVICES VALLEY COUNTY ROAD DEPARTMENT D.E.S. COORDINATOR: RICK SEILER 501 COURT SQUARE BOX  #10 GLASGOW, MT 59230  PHONE: 406-228-6224 CELLULAR 406-263-1479 FAX: 406-228-9027  WE PREPARE-For the dangers we can't eliminate     WE MITIGATE- the dangers that we can                  WE RESPOND- To those events that occur              WE RECOVER- From those events that we survive                              What We Can Do           Informational Links              Preparing for disasters is most effective when emergency management is part of the everyday government process. The perfect time to plan for a disaster, is before it occurs. By planning before hand, we have an opportunity to take all the time necessary to determine what "could go wrong" and set down several contingency plans. Planning for the emergency is not the sole responsibility of D.E.S. , it requires the partnership of all emergency management personnel in order to effectively  prevent, respond and recover from disasters.                                                  Multi-Hazard Mitigation plan 2016  There are four distinct phases of emergency management  Preparedness: is undertaken before a disaster occurs in order to build emergency management capacity.  Response: activities provide emergency assistance to save lives, preserve property, and protect the environment.  Recovery: Is the process of returning systems to normal levels, such as replacing a bridge that was washed away by flooding. or restoring a water system that was inundated by flood waters. Some activities can be accomplished in a short time, while others take years.  Mitigation: Activities normally occur before an emergency or disaster. or directly on the heels of a disaster. Such activities include building dikes. adopting a flood plain and zoning regulations. The primary purpose of mitigation is to eliminate or reduce the probability of a disaster, which will  include action to postpone, dissipate, or lessen the effects of any disaster.    E-Mail       Judicial & Law Enforcement   County Attorney Justice Court District Court Clerk of Court Juvenile Probation Valley County Sheriff Search & Rescue Glasgow Police Dept Montana Highway Patrol/Glasgow    Departments   Clerk/Records/Super of Schools Treasurer Health Department GIS/Planning DES, Road Dept Courthouse Custodial Services Extension Services Council on Aging Senior Citizen Center Valley County Transit VC Landfill Long Run Fire Dept    Boards   General Boards Fair Board 9-1-1 Board Airport  Mosquito & Weed Control    Other Departments   Welfare Family Services Dept of Revenue Gambling Division    Misc Links   Sexual & Violent Offender Site Con Network Montana.Gov Glasgow Schools FMDH KLTZ Glasgow Childrens Museum Pioneer Museum GHS EDU TRUST