Burn Permits

This is a Montana Burn Permit

Important: Before you use this facility please read these notes

You must call the Valley County Sheriff's Office at 406-228-4333 option #2 to obtain a permit. Unfortunately we no longer offer the permit to be obtained online, we are sorry for the inconvenience. Permits will not be issued when there is a burn ban regulated by the Valley County Commissioners or if there is any type of wind warning.

Valley County Fire Control and Air Pollution Permit

The Board of Valley County Commissioners has established a fire season pursuant to Section 7-33-2205, M.C.A. By this provision of Montana law, no person may ignite or set any forest fire, slash-burning fire, land clearing, fire debris-burning fire or open fire within Valley County on forest, range or crop lands without having first obtained a written permit. Violation of this provision constitutes a misdemeanor and is subject to a $500.00 fine and/or six (6) months in the County Jail.

Further, if applicant's negligence causes such personal injury or property damage, applicant could be civilly liable for such injury or damages, including cost of suppression of fire.

Valley County Open Burning Regulations

Permits: No person shall cause, allow, or permit the open burning of any material unless he/she has applied for and been issued a permit for such open burning from the Valley County Sheriff's Office or local fire authority.


  • Open Burning: Open burning as used here is defined as the burning of a quantity or large area of allowable material outside of a container or small enclosed area.
  • Local Fire Authority: The Sheriff's Office and/or County Fire Chief/Fire Warden and his designated assistant. The Fire Chief or Assistant Fire Chief of the fire department/company /district in the area where burning is anticipated.
  • Notification: Call Valley County Dispatch prior to the burn and when the burn is finished. 228-4333
  • Restricted Burning Season: Fire control authorities retain the right to restrict the burning season, number of burns, size of burns, and regulation of burns in the event of excessively dry or hazardous conditions.


  1. Take every precaution to prevent the spread of your fire or particulate omissions from it beyond your property. Have on hand the necessary materials and personnel to keep your fire in control at all times. The Permitee assumes all liability for any damage and suppression costs resulting from fires authorized by this permit.
  2. Burn only clean, dry materials in a small enough area that it can be observed and controlled at all times.
  3. Have an adult attending to the fire at all times.
  4. Be sure that your fire is completely out before abandoning it.
  5. Do not burn in a period of high wind or excessively dry conditions.
  6. Do not burn in an area where wind drift is such that smoke from your fire will create a hazard on a roadway or other public facility or otherwise create a public nuisance.
  7. Do not burn animal droppings, garbage, dead animals (except when required by ARS for disease control with permission), prohibited petroleum derivatives, oil, or any type of petroleum products, railroad ties, tar paper, plastic materials or toxic waste.

Fire control authorities retain the right to enter private property to investigate and/or suppress fires, to modify a permit, to cancel a permit, or delay implementation of a permit if deemed necessary.

Any violation of this burning permit will constitute punishment - as provided for in Section 7-33-2206, M.C.A.